Research - Deniz Ozkan


My research mainly focuses on economic, financial, cost and risk analysis of energy systems including sustainability, climate change, electricity markets, environmental issues and policy perspective. Major aim of my studies is to close the gap in integrated analysis of complex systems by bringing the theory and practice together on an interdisciplinary platform.


Research Areas and Interests

· Analysis of complex systems and hybrid architectures

· Life cycle cost analysis under uncertainty

· Multidisciplinary stochastic optimization of energy systems

· Deregulated power markets and their affects on the power network system design

· Portfolio analysis in energy sector including the climate change mitigation policies

· Economic analysis of renewable energy options

· Decision making in a sustainable environment

· Cost engineering

· Policy analysis from different stakeholder perspectives

· Financial risk analysis


Life-Cycle Cost Assessment Case Studies

prepared during the last 4 years and will be compiled in a book form. 

· Wind (Onshore / Offshore)

· Solar (Updraft tower / Concentrating power)

· Combined cycle coal plant with carbon sequestration

· Nuclear

· Geothermal

· Biodiesel

· Ethanol

· Coal-to-Liquid

Copyright Ó 2010 Deniz özkan